Your domain name is your unique website address. Bandzoogle website plans include one free custom domain registration. Members on an EPK plan and anyone wishing to register additional domains can do so for an additional domain registration fee, recurring yearly while the account is active.

This Help article includes:

  • What is a domain?
  • Adding a domain
    • New domain
    • Existing domain
    • SSL for your domain name
  • Transferring a Domain
  • Changing and Removing Domains
  • Customizing domain records

What is a domain?

A domain name is simply your website/EPK address. This is the name a person will type into their search or address bar to get to your website or EPK. A domain name allows your fans to reach your website directly from their browser.

Adding a domain

During your Bandzoogle free trial, we provide you with a Bandzoogle subdomain address, in the following format:

After you upgrade from the 30-day free trial plan to a paid account, you can set up the custom domain name of your choice. Bandzoogle website plans include one free custom domain registration. Members on an EPK plan and anyone wishing to register additional domains can do so for an additional domain registration fee, recurring yearly while the account is active

New Domain

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click your username initials in the top right corner
  2. Select ‘Account Details’ from the drop-down menu
  3. Click the ‘add domain' button
  4. Click ‘Register new domain’
  5. Enter the domain name you’d like to use
  6. Click ‘Check Availability’
  7. Click ‘Register this domain’

Once registered, the new domain should load your website within 24 hours (but this usually happens within just a few hours).

Existing Domain

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click your username initials in the top right corner
  2. Select ‘Account Details’ from the drop-down menu
  3. Click the 'add domain’ button
  4. Click ‘Connect existing domain’
  5. Enter your current domain name
  6. Click ‘Use this domain name’
  7. Click ‘Connect ‘’
  8. Log in to your domain registrar account and change the domain nameservers to point to your Bandzoogle website:

Once the nameservers are set, the domain should start loading your Bandzoogle website within a few hours (but this can take up to 24 hours).

SSL for your domain name

Once your domain name is set up and pointing correctly, we will issue an SSL certificate. This takes 24-48 hours after the setup is complete.

An SSL certificate helps secure your website, and will remove any warnings in Google search about an insecure website.

You will see 'https' in the web browser's address bar once your SSL certificate is set up.

For more information on new and existing domains, please view the ‘Adding Domains’ Help article.

Transferring a Domain

Your website address is specific to you. Bandzoogle's website plans include one free custom domain registration, or the connection of an existing custom domain. Members on an EPK plan and anyone wishing to register multiple domains can do so for an additional domain registration fee, recurring yearly while the account is active.

If you are connecting a domain registered with another company, we can take over the domain registration and manage it here for you.

If you registered your domain with Bandzoogle, you can take the domain you registered with us and transfer it to another company in the event you cancel your account here. In this scenario the domain needs to have been registered for at least 60 days.

To transfer a domain to Bandzoogle or away from Bandzoogle, please view the ‘Transferring a Domain’ Help article.

Changing and Removing Domains

With each paid Bandzoogle account, you can set up a custom domain you already own or register one with us. Bandzoogle website plans include one free custom domain registration. Members on an EPK plan and anyone wishing to register additional domains can do so for an additional domain registration fee, recurring yearly while the account is active.

To update your domain, please view the ‘Changing and Removing Domains’ Help article.

Customizing domain records

When you register a domain through Bandzoogle, we automatically manage your DNS (domain nameservers). You can add additional custom DNS records to your domain settings. You can use this to setup a 3rd-party email service, add a custom subdomain, or a variety of other customization options.

To make updates to your domain record, please view the ‘Customize DNS’ Help article.

Redirecting a website page

Once your custom domain has been added to your account, it can be set to point to a specific page on your website or to another website address. This option is generally used if you have a secondary domain on the account, to direct visitors to specific pages or websites.

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click the arrow next to your username in the top right corner
  2. Select ‘Account Details’ from the drop-down menu
  3. Click on your domain name
  4. In the ‘Redirect URL’ field, enter the website address to which you want visitors directed
    • Example (pointing to a specific page): If you enter yourdomain/music as the redirect URL, then when a visitor types into their browser address bar they will be directed to your Music page instead of your website homepage.
    • Example (pointing to a different website): If you enter as the redirect URL, then when a visitor types into their browser address bar they will be directed to your record label website instead of your website homepage.
  5. Below the Redirect URL field, click on the dropdown to set the domain loading settings. Choose from the following:
    • Allow with or without www (default)
    • Add www if it’s missing
    • Remove www if it’s present
  6. Click ‘Save’

If you're looking for a 301 redirect, please refer to our '301 Redirects' Help article.

Warning: Please only use these options if you understand them and know that you need them. Setting these options incorrectly can stop your site from working.